Posted by: mskujhawk | July 29, 2010

Batman and Robin: Together in Cincy

A team can rarely handle one enormous ego at a time.  But, two such egos?  On one team?  That is what the Cincinnati Bengals will attempt to do this coming NFL season.  They will attempt to have not one, but two of the largest egos in all of the national football league together on one field, one team, at the same time.  Talk about image management!  It will be interesting to see who manages their image better.  Additionally, with two big-time wide receivers on the team, could the Cincinnati Bengals make a run to the Super Bowl?

Chad Ochocinco - On the Sidelines

Chad Ochocinco is a current wide receiver on the Bengals football team.  For those of you who don’t know, his name used to be Chad Johnson.  He officially changed his last name to Ochocinco, after his football jersey number, #85.  He likes being in the spotlight, being the one everyone tunes in to see. 

Terrell Owens - This says it all...

On Tuesday, July 28th, Terrell Owens, who wears #81, became a member of the Bengals by signing a 2-year, $2 million deal.  It has been reported by ESPN and others that Cincinnati was the first option for Owens, so that he could play WR with Chad Ochocinco, his good friend.  Ochocinco has even called the pair “Batman and Robin.”  This was evident in a tweet from Owens regarding his arrival to Cincinnati’s training camp this week. 

“Ocho Uno is coming 2 town!! Hey Robin, Batman will b there soon!”

 So, here is the interesting point…..who really is Batman, and who is Robin?  To me, they are both Batman…….neither one of them wants to be second fiddle to the other.  In fact, here is a quote from Chad Ochocinco on the addition of Terrell Owens on the field:

“We’re gonna have a great offense. In a way I don’t think people really understand the impact that Terrell will have on us as an offense. Having his presence out there. Since the game of football has been played has there ever been two receivers of this caliber on the field at the same time? There’s always a number one, there’s always a number two, and there’s somewhat of a drop-off at number two, but I think its sorta evened out as far as level of play and level of consistency that we’ve had over the years…”

So, in this scenario, who is #1, and who is#2?? 

I am not sure they will be able to exist on the same field at the same time.  I guess time will tell.  If they do end up learning how to play together, figuring out how to share the spotlight, and managing their images, we may just end up seeing them play together in the Super Bowl.  If not, it will be just another version of Batman and Robin.

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